The Enneagram is a personality assessment tool used for spiritual work.
In learning the Enneagram we discover characteristics and motivations of our personality – one of nine types. More than this, the Enneagram helps guide us in the spiritual work that is ours to do. While the Enneagram has ancient roots, the Jesuits rediscovered the Enneagram in the modern era and continue its use in spiritual formation.
Mary is an Enneagram Specialist who has studied the Enneagram for over twenty-five years.
She completed a three-year apprenticeship under Suzanne Stabile, an Enneagram Master who teachers throughout the country and author of several books including The Road Back to You.
In addition to creating and offering The Enneagram: An Introduction and Overview, Mary has written and taught several other Enneagram-based classes for deeper work.
These topics include:
Enneagram: A Deeper Dive
Enneagram and Spiritual Practices
Enneagram and Parenting
Enneagram @Work
Triads and Spiritual Growth
Mary has provided Enneagram workshops for church staffs, school staffs, civic and community groups, and multi-generational families.